Internet generalities and an introduction to HTML: Question Paper – Part 1
1-Provide a brief description of the INTERNET.
It’s a world wide collection of computer networks.
2-What makes the internet different from other networks?
Its world wide collection of digital telecommunication links that share a common set of computer-network technologies, protocols and applications.
3-A) Distinguish between INTRANETS and EXTRANETS B) What is the relationship between intranets - extranets and the internet? Explain.
Intranet: they are private networks usually unconnected to outside institutional boundaries and with restricted access to member of the institution.
Extranet: semi-private networks that restrict access, but use the internet to provide services to members.
Both of them use the same software, applications and networking protocols of the Internet.
In contrast with both of these, the Internet has no restrictions, and it is not well organized, it may take some time to get experience and learn how to work with it taking advantage of all its conveniences.
4-What was the reason for the creation of the first prototype of the internet (ARPAnet)?
The ARP Anet was created as a result of a project that had for goal to create a network of computers that could withstand the loss of several machines due to the wars, and maintain connection and communication.
5-Explain the two different ways in which an individual computer is identified in the internet.
Individual computers can be identified in the internet because any computer connected to it has its own address: a number whose format is identified by the internet protocol.
Each computer in the internet has also its own name selected by its owner. The name becomes unique when append, like surnames, all of the machines domain names as a period- separated suffix, creating a fully qualified domain name.
6-What are CLIENTS, SERVERS and BROWSERS? Explain the functions of each.
Servers and clients are two types of computers. Servers serve up documents and clients retrieve and display up documents for people. On the other hand, browsers are programs used to access and display HTML documents and also access and retrieve electronic documents.
7-Describe the FLOW OF INFORMATION in the internet.
Flow of information in the internet: Some people take the view that the flow of information on the internet should not be regulated, in order to encourage freedom of expression and protection of secrecy. Others believe that the flow of illegal or harmful information should be banned, and that the flow of information on the internet should be regulated to ensure the protection of privacy.
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